Client Advocacy/Disaster Case Management
In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, many survivors are surrounded by family, first responders, media, and community. Survivors may be in contact with their local schools, community centers, churches and hear from local organizations. There may be plenty of resources such as food, water, clothing, and housing assistance. As the first phase of disaster recovery (response) fades, resources may change. In the weeks/months post disaster, many survivors aren’t sure where to turn.
DCM’s can connect survivors to available resources. They can provide assistance with initial disaster program registration or appeals, and assist in developing a personalized disaster recovery plan. They will bring together information and services to reach recovery. The DCM becomes a major support to the client, and is able to monitor progress of the goals and re-assess as time goes on. Disaster Recovery is an ongoing process and with the help of the DCM, community, state and government resources can be accessible.
The Elevated Studio offers the service of Client Advocacy to all our clients. Client Advocates are trained social workers. They help to keep the client organized, and make sure the project is progressing in an efficient way- keeping the well being of the survivor front and center. Because tEs is an Architectural organization, the Client Advocate also keeps up to date on the design, permitting and construction process and attends meetings to act as a mediator and explain things in a different way when the client doesn’t understand. The Client Advocate is the main support contact during the rebuilding process, and is available for the client for any disaster related care.