2021.3.10 Notice: It has been a year of too-many.
Too many on-line meetings. Too many jobs lost. Too many lives lost. Too many homes destabilized. Too many natural disasters affecting too many individuals.
Many encouraging discussions among partners on the need to provide emotional, and spiritual support to survivors. Many more discussions with partners on the importance of stabilizing households to prevent evictions and homelessness.
The Elevated Studio has been leading or actively participating in several cohorts around the country generating ideas for new ways to improve housing rights, for at-risk communities. New ways to prevent eviction and homelessness. New opportunities to create affordable, resilient and sustainable housing. Regardless of the type of disaster, we remain committed to providing our holistic, survivor-centric recovery to households so they become more resilient and sustainable.
2020.05.01 Notice: We have posted our Spring Newsletter to our social media outlets and hope that you find the information pertinent.
New news from The Elevated Studio - https://mailchi.mp/c5…/sandy-anniversary-7-years-ago-2595949
A word about COVID-19
2020.03.16 Notice: Please note, we are in communication with our partners throughout the Nation and are supporting their efforts to assist those communities and individuals in mitigating the affects of COVID-19. We recommend that you pay close attention to notices published by these two entities: the Center for Disease Control and the Department of Health in your State.
Our staff is working remotely for the remainder of March and will limit travel to only private automobile trips to visit project sites, and clients in distress, while maintaining safe social distancing practices.
You and your family’s health is of paramount importance to us. If you feel sick please use your common sense and stay home. #FlattenTheCurve #StayHomeAndBeSafe #SocialDistancing #WeAreResilient
Our story began with a meeting we had with a warm, caring, thoughtful elderly couple who had recently moved back into their (still, at that time 2 years post-event) damaged home from superstorm Sandy. “What now?”, they asked us. “What do we do now? We don’t want to leave our home that we raised our family in. We know we want to stay here out of love for this home, but we are at a loss of what to do next. We don’t know what to do, can you help?”
“Yes we can. Together, we will get you to a point where your home will be better, more resilient than it was pre-Sandy. The road will be bumpy at times, but we will be here for you throughout your recovery”. Since we began our journey, we met thousands of people who asked very similar questions. We were able to provide them with the guidance they need to start and finish their recovery.
We continue to assist throughout the Sandy space, and moved into helping families recover from Matthew, Hermine, Harvey, Florence. We are guiding families and whole communities plan for their recovery from the scars of Irma, Maria, Michael and the Napa and Camp Fires.
We have forged strong partnerships with the National VOAD members and partners, and are leveraging those partnerships to achieve greater acts of kindness in MADE-ing neighborhoods. We are grateful for those we met, assisted, and partnered with in our first five years. We are looking to be more impactful to many thousands more in our next five years.
“What now”?
More compassion. More collaboration. More coordination. More communication. More cooperation.
Welcome all and a very happy new year!
The new decade is upon us, and our work is ever more important. Our team has been preparing for the opportunities that will define 2020 and the next milestone of years. We look forward to the year’s worth of collaboration, coordination, communication, and cooperation with our clients, partners and ourselves.
As Hurricane Dorian left its mark on the Bahamian island chain, we at The Elevated Studio are in communications with our partners responding in the Bahamas, St Croix, St Thomas and along the North Carolina coast. We remain on dedicated to assist those partners and communities that are beginning the recovery process.
Regardless of location, we will assist the communities and individuals to build back better.
As the summer draws to an end we here at The Elevated Studio are just getting started! We are so excited to announce that we have been accepted into the GlobalGiving accelerator program. We go live just after Labor Day. Stay Tuned for more info!