Our client management services run the spectrum from social service through construction observation throughout the entire disaster recovery process. By assisting our clients from initial intake through certificate of occupancy, we provide them with a survivor-centric, holistic recovery process.
With the reality of climate change, it is imperative that we plan for the future. We advocate on behalf of homeowners and clients to access more and better recovery services, to build back a more resilient and sustainable home, to be prepared for the future impacts of climate change.
We are one of the few nonprofit design organizations that can offer architectural services to property owners at no expense. Our solutions employ universal-design principles and are rooted in resilient and sustainable design.
Through community charters, REDC clinics, and educational lecture series for residents, case managers, and local jurisdictions, we aim to influence a larger population than just our clients.
Our Vision
We believe that every member of a community should have access to and benefit from socially responsible design. We believe that social, economic, and physical resilience and sustainability are intertwined and must be within reach to all.
We educate the property owner and empower those directly affected to make wise and appropriate decisions towards their environment.
We educate design and construction professionals and empower those who are trained to lead a community towards excellence.
We cooperate, communicate, coordinate, and collaborate with like-minded agencies, sharing ideas to create a larger network of professionals to support the communities that we work in.
We engage government agencies, promoting the ideas generated by the residents and businesses of their jurisdiction in order to implement the desires and needs of the community.
Our goal is to renegotiate the relationship between residents and their neighborhoods with the built and natural environment in a timeless way. We seek a solution that employs education and collaboration to elevate community after community to achieve equality.
Civic Works
The effort to rebuild memories and construct new dreams can be daunting. We hope to bring the excitement back to this process.